this wreaks of the same spineless democrats of the pass, afraid just like i said about republicans same holds true for blue dog appeasers. what this article is saying is that those in red states are catering to red state politics in order to sell right wing voters, if i'm correct then they are no better then those they run against, and need to stop occupying seats that are on sale and support the Pres. and his agenda. "DINO's".
For Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and his top lieutenants, the challenges of balancing the 2014 Senate map and President Barack Obama’s second-term agenda could cause as many headaches as anything Republicans throw at them.Overall, 20 Democratic-held Senate seats are up for grabs next year, versus 13 for Republicans. Democratic incumbents face reelection in solidly red states like Alaska, Arkansas, Louisiana, Montana and South Dakota, all of which Obama lost by double-digit margins in November.
are they there to cater to the other side or be who they campaigned as?
A little more than a year after Obama is sworn in to another term, there will be high-profile Senate races in swing states like Colorado, North Carolina and New Hampshire. One red-state Democrat — Sen. Jay Rockefeller (W.Va.) — has already announced his retirement, putting in play a seat that has been in Democratic hands for nearly three decades.
While Obama is now riding high in public-opinion polls — and the GOP is struggling with historically low approval ratings — senior Democratic senators and aides say the president must face a stark political reality even as he begins his second term as commander in chief. Newly reelected and emboldened red-state Democrats, as well as senators up for reelection in 2014, want and need to show independence from the White House. For these Democrats, a visit or endorsement by Obama is not going to help them win, although they will be happy to have his money or checks from his donor network
this does little but embolden and puts right wing agenda in place or turns them into the reprehensible republican gov's who promised on thing then set about destroying everything.
the right wing will set off their timeless attacks of same crap different election if we watch and stay true to progressive values then they won't stop until they shoot all ten toes off and carry their message one step beyond,
where is the faith in what they are doing and stand for will they sell out to get a bunch of people who are not inclined to see things their way or will they cave and be on a level playing field with republicans, their level.