Tuesday, January 15, 2013

First Post-Sandy Hook Assault Weapons Ban Is Put To Vote


On a day that started with a moment of silence for the victims of the Sandy Hook shootings of December 14, 2012, Governor Andrew Cuomo and legislative leaders of both parties took the opportunity, on this first full day of the new session, to come to an agreement in the Senate on a comprehensive package of new gun laws named the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act, or NY SAFE. Now we’re just waiting on the Assembly vote, likely to come early Tuesday morning, 1.15.
Clearly in response to the shooting, the new law would implement the following:
The legislative package which Mr. Cuomo said he believed would be “the most comprehensive package in the nation,” would ban any gun magazine that can hold over 7 rounds of ammunition — the current limit is 10 rounds — and require background checks of ammunition buyers and automated alerts to law enforcement of high-volume purchases.
The legislation would also increase penalties for gun crimes, require background checks for most private gun sales and create a statewide database of gun licenses.
The expanded ban on assault weapons would broaden the definition of such weapons, banning semiautomatic pistols and rifles with detachable magazines and one military-style feature, as well as semiautomatic shotguns with one military-style feature. New Yorkers who already own such guns could keep them but would be required to register them with the state. [Emphasis added. Source: NY Times]

are the law makers who refuse any gun regulation insensitive to the thousands killed yearly by guns?  at one time they didn't care because primarily it was people of color being killed now that it's in their backyard they still don't seem to care, looks as though guns are more important to some then innocent children. is this the America you want?  2014 recognize.
