Saturday, November 3, 2012

What Would a Romney Victory Mean for Reproductive Rights?

to those who have seemingly chosen martyrdom over their personal heath, the reality is if you don't get the things you need like contraception then you fall off the chart and on to another injured reserve list which nullifies all your other endeavors. 
no work, no additional money, no vacation less food cherry picking bills. your health is paramount to all else without it you can't be all to all.  don't let the right wing to continue to dictate to you, about you they are not friendly to women issues you know that. don't look out for yourself who will look out for your family?
3. Healthcare reform gets overturned. Romney says he wants to toss out "Obamacare"—except for the parts that people like, such as making it illegal to deny coverage to someone because of a preexisting condition. The problem is, the parts Romney doesn't like are required to make the other parts work.
There are a lot of provisions in healthcare reform that are particularly helpful for women. For one, I've known women who were told that heavy periods or cramps qualified as a "pre-existing condition," which the reform bill would outlaw. More broadly, under Obamacare, insurance companies can no longer charge you more just because you're a woman—a practice known as "gender rating."
Birth control and other preventative care are now available without a co-payment. You can stay on your parents' healthcare until you're 26, which is particularly useful for women, who go to the doctor more often than men.
just one that should ring a bell. it's all about you.