Normally you just have why a newspaper endorses one candidate over another, however the Washington Post after so doing; decides to go for the jugular.
They point to his failure at honesty and transparency with respect to his tax returns and those paying for the circus; all hidden behind a wall of silence.
Flip-Flops. No idea is sacred:
He was a friend of immigrants, then a scourge of immigrants, then again a friend. He was a Kissingerian foreign policy realist, then a McCain-like hawk, then a purveyor of peace. He pioneered Obamacare, he detested Obamacare, then he found elements in it to cherish. Assault weapons were bad, then good. Abortion was okay, then bad. Climate change was an urgent problem; then, not so much. Hurricane cleanup was a job for the states, until it was once again a job for the feds.About his economic policy that is currently hiding in an undisclosed location.And then there has been his chronic, baldly dishonest defense of mathematically impossible budget proposals.
just a little sumptin' sumptin' to wet your whistle.
But wait a minute
Mr. Romney, by contrast, seems to be betting that voters have no memories, poor arithmetic skills and a general inability to look behind the curtain.
I just hope the electorate just understands just how deeply that Romney has insulted them.
Only someone with such deep held beliefs of their social superiority [Ayn Rand would be proud] could get away with even half of what Romney has done this election cycle. Hopefully we will never see his like again.
Paul Ryan may hope he is part of Ayn Rand's elite, Mitt Romney however is the very product of such thought.
“I don’t believe the American people should ever be told any lies, publicly [by the government] or privately [by the media].
So, is this why Romney has stopped taking questions?
hard to answer when the wrong answer is known by you to be your next response