Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Billion-Dollar Buy: The billion-dollar bust?

Romney and his benefactors learned an important lesson about voting against American's, money got them what they have, but it could not buy them what they don't have, THE PRESIDENCY" and love of the people, which i guess was not really on that list of "things to do to take over America"
Big outside money fundamentally changed American politics in 2012 — just not the way the Republicans who planned a $1 billion blitz to defeat President Barack Obama wanted.
Ultimately, in fact, it may have hurt Republicans almost as much as it helped.
The high-dollar barrage spurred once wary Democrats to launch their own big money machine — which ended up nearly matching the GOP’s overall spending and actually put more ads on the air than the Republicans.
 Mega-donors dragged out the primary and exposed Mitt Romney to damaging attacks on Bain Capital and social issues, some of the same attacks that Obama used to take him down. And outside money weakened the traditional party establishment’s hold on the process and propped up insurgent Senate candidates who lost on Tuesday.
Both sides are already planning their next big money pushes, but some of the top GOP donors are asking whether they wasted their time and money in 2012, and are considering changing their ways somewhat going forward.
buyers remorse, i just love the fact they now know no matter how much loot you have, American's are not for sale, half of us any way we are the % Romney now wishes he had gave a damn about.