Sunday, November 4, 2012

Romney Seeks Vengeance For Obama’s ‘Revenge’ Remark

Mitt Romney’s campaign is reorganizing itself around a new last-second message, accusing President Obama of urging his supporters to vote out of “revenge.”
The new line of attack stems from an Obama rally in Springfield, Ohio on Friday in which he briefly interrupted his speech after the audience booed House Republicans and Romney.
“No, no, no — don’t boo, vote,” Obama said. “Vote. Voting is the best revenge.”
This didn’t sit well with Romney, who incorporated it into a speech the same night, also in Ohio.
“Vote for revenge?” Romney said. “Let me tell you what I’d like to tell you: Vote for love of country.”
love of country, hiding money to avoid those tax country supporting dollars, not giving gnat crap about 47%, war on "this country's women, keep the rich rich and the middle and poor in the same box, i can just feel the love of this country oozing, just not from his camp.
i'm all for revenge look at what he and his party has done to America and "we the people" revenge hell yes and serve it up ice freaking cold.
The Obama campaign defended the president's aside, saying it came in the context of a speech playing on local resentments over Romney's use of misleading ads that suggest Chrysler is looking at outsourcing jobs at its Toledo factory to China.That claim has drawn a savage response from Chrysler, GM, a slew of fact checkers, and both local and national media.
Obama spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters that Romney was "frightening workers in Ohio into thinking, falsely, that they're not going to have a job" and that Obama's comments reflected the resultant backlash in the state.
"vengeance is mine ", sayeth the Lord