c'mon any reasonable person with an ounce of integrity and sense of the American way portrayed but denied now can see the skulduggery that the entire party has engaged in and yet the polls continue to present a sense of right wing radical bigoty is now a ruling factor of the electorate, Romney numbers rising?
no surprise with the men but the women???????????
these people have openly stuck their middle finger in the faces of "we the people" for 4 years denied jobs the one's they promised in 2010 and the one's sitting in congress from the Pres.
The Mount Pleasant Journal is one of several newspapers run by Trib Total Media, a media conglomerate owned by billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife. Scaife’s foundationdonated hundreds of millions of dollars to conservative organizations ranging from the American Enterprise Institution to the Federalist Society, and he currently serves as vice-chairman of the right-wing Heritage Foundation’s board of trustees.
Last Thursday, at least one of Scaife’s newspapers printed an inaccurate story headlined “Photo ID required for November election,” when, in reality, a court order suspended the requirement that Pennsylvania voters show an ID or lose their right to vote. The following piece appeared in Scaife’s Mount Pleasant Journal:
how many more criminal acts of interfering with your constitutional rights to chose who you want they rig the pot to favor a party that engages in this travesty of a leader and his platform of lies.
who's zoomin' who? he's zoomin' you!