there is nothing he will not employ on his road to the WH or the Mormon Hell.
The mailers arrived in late September, courtesy of the Romney campaign—glossy and full-color, with a photo of a smiling doctor easing the concerns of a middle-aged white couple. Inside was a promise: "Romney and Ryan will do more to fight the spread of Lyme disease." It rattled off a list of steps the Republican ticket would take to thwart a "massive epidemic," and promised to protect doctors from malpractice cases.The initial response from political observers was bemusement, followed by derision. As the Washington Examiner's Philip Klein put it, "We may look back at this as epitomizing the smallness of the Romney campaign."
i thought they signed a Norquist pledge or something to deny the existence of science, aren't biology and physiology not sciences. what happened to global warming not a science?
Romney wasn't just microtargeting about microbes; he'd taken a side in one of the most contentious debates in American medicine—a heated dispute complete with anti-trust investigations, congressional hearings, and allegations of criminal malpractice on both sides. "I've worked in AIDS and other infectious diseases," says Dr. Gary Wormser, lead author of the Infectious Diseases Society of America's 2006 guidelines on Lyme. "I've never seen anything like Lyme disease."
think all those right wing hunters will give up hunting because of a tick bite?