this is aimed more to our younger voters, those of us who will continue setting the standard we live by. i won't tell you about who did what back in the day, who paved what way as relevant as they are it's now not so much who opened the door but what you do once you step thru. indifference and misinformation are our greatest detriment second to none but equal to the the right wing's incessant agenda to influence you and turn you against your own interest.
although those who oppose have that constitutional right to say that, we have the 1st law of nature, "self preservation", which in my mind supersedes constitutional rights of that individual who has to make that choice not to those who were voted in and entrusted with the charge of defending those rights then immediately start to create their own 180 degree plan to usurp it all and leave "we the people" with nothing but the hope for change our beloved Pres. spoke of.
some of us are willing to desert him and the best chance the nation has at some sense a elusive promised of a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness guaranteed by our bill of rights which has not been a thought of our right wing establishment. but we forget their promise to grant no joy to the Pres. which would be advancement of "we the people", they commit the crime then throw the dirt on the Pres. shoes.
our most IMO detrimental failure (we the people) is we did not remember he said "YES WE CAN" NOT "YES I CAN". those who make statements like " i'm not voting for him" or "i'm voting for Romney" need to stop and look in a miirror and asked themselves "REALLY"? is that really your preference to vote for the one who denies the right to live to 47% of us, want our women to be violated and just live with it, or promise you thinks they have never endorsed and are just saying because it sounds good.
lot's of things sound good like Romney,"i'm for the 100%" but then next hour his campaign runs out "he did't mean it", or i'm for abortion for all women for any reason", once again spokes person " he doesn't mean it" he is telegraphing is real intent, trust VP Biden, "Look, folks, use your common sense. Who do you trust.."
God Bless your decisions. we can not allow the truth to be brushed under a republican rug.