Sunday, October 21, 2012

Catholics United's Statement on Knights of Columbus Anti-Marriage Equality Spending Report | Catholics United

they were quick to claim the Catholic Church was against the Pres. once again they do the dirt and try a shovel it on the Pres,'s shoes.  they are and always have been lying to you.
The following is a statement from Catholics United’s Executive Director, James Salt:
“At a time when so many Americans are suffering, it saddens me that the Knights of Columbus have dedicated a large portion of their charitable donations to fund a far-right political agenda. The Knights of Columbus’ work against civil same-sex marriage laws has the unfortunate effect of pushing younger generations of Catholics out of the church. Younger Catholics don’t want our faith known for its involvement in divisive culture wars, we want our faith known for serving the poor and marginalized.”
 i know their base cheers them on no matter how nefarious their endeavors but you have a choice to except or exorcise the propaganda from the right wing, trust your common sense!