Sunday, July 15, 2012

Postal Service rescue bill stalls in Congress as cash woes mount -

The House’s delay in considering a postal reform bill is sparking concerns that the rescue of the U.S. Postal Service could be delayed until after the November elections — or even until the next Congress.
Republicans signaled last week that the House would likely not vote before the August recess on a postal bill from Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), the Oversight Committee chairman, and Rep. Dennis Ross (R-Fla.).
Senators and outside industry observers decried that holdup, saying that any delay reduces the chances of lawmakers coming together on a broad postal reform package. The Senate passed its own postal reform bill in April, and key senators are waiting to negotiate a compromise bill with the House.
“The longer the House delays reforming the Postal Service, the more likely it is that nothing happens,” said Art Sackler of the Coalition for a 21st Century Postal Service, a group that represents the private-sector mailing industry.
they are trying to privatize so why the hold up?
At the same time, with the November elections less than four months away, GOP leaders in the House have scheduled a series of messaging votes meant to highlight the differences between the parties on issues like healthcare repeal and extending current tax rates.
That has left some observers concerned that, even if the House can pass its bill after it returns in September, final negotiations on a postal revamp could spill over into the lame-duck session after the election.
Meanwhile, the Postal Service is on pace to lose billions of dollars this fiscal year, and owes $11 billion, in two separate installments, over the next two and a half months in prepayments for retiree health care.
A House GOP leadership aide said this week that Republicans were onboard with the bill from Issa and Ross, and “cognizant” of the deadlines USPS faces and its financial situation.
“We remain committed to postal reform, but a decision hasn’t been made about when the House bill will be considered,” the aide said.
Democrats, as well as postal unions, have sharply criticized the House GOP bill for creating a control board charged with overseeing spending, and a BRAC-style panel to recommend a plan for consolidating post offices.
A House GOP aide said that Republicans were happy to talk with Democrats, but would demand that mandatory spending restraint be part of any postal bill
The Senate bill, which has sharp differences with the House proposal, would allow USPS to use an overpayment into a federal benefit fund, and lessen the strain of the retiree prepayment. It also would not allow USPS to move as quickly to scrap Saturday delivery
this is just more of the same congress playing God over "we the people" to gain their prize "privatizing".  they need to go home and never come back they are suppose to work for us not be judge and jury.
“Every day that passes without addressing reform of the Postal Service is another day that pushes it closer to the brink of insolvency,” Brown said in a statement this week.
this let's you know who is not serious, or doing what they fraudulently except a check of "we the peoples money".