WASHINGTON -- In a victory for Republicans, the federal government has agreed to let Florida use a law enforcement database to challenge people's right to vote if they are suspected of not being U.S. citizens.The agreement, made in a letter to Florida Gov. Rick Scott's administration that was obtained by The Associated Press, grants the state access to a list of resident noncitizens maintained by the Department of Homeland Security. The Obama administration had denied Florida's request for months, but relented after a judge ruled in the state's favor in a related voter-purge matter.Voting rights groups, while acknowledging that noncitizens have no right to vote, have expressed alarm about using such data for a purpose not originally intended: purging voter lists of ineligible people. They say voter purges less than four months before a presidential election might leave insufficient time to correct mistakes stemming from faulty data or other problems.
Republican officials in several states say they are trying to combat voter fraud. Democrats, however, note that proven cases of voter fraud are rare. They accuse Republicans of cynical efforts to suppress voting by people in lower socio-economic groups who tend to vote Democratic.
funny how these efforts to, let's call it what it is prevent potential progressive voter's from re-electing Pres. Obama. they have done every dastardly thing they can come up with to achieve this goal. if i recall correctly no state has proven though questionable abut the legality of the proof, more than 0.000005% out of millions.
they had their butts handed to them in 2008, then immediately set about this crusade to never be out voted again by any means necessary, including violating other citizens constitutional rights. Fla. back at the forefront the same manipulative moves they used in the Bush robbery of 2000 to deny us our rights to fair and honest elections.
you have to give it to those in the republican pen they have gotten "how to screw everything and still avoid the law" my prayers are with the DOJ and their investigations. i still hold those who would vote in favor of denying their fellow American citizens their rights while knowing the treachery under which it's being taken, as reprehensible as those who are denying. if that shoe was on their foot, they would be standing on corner's everywhere with their flags, posters of Hitler memorabilia, swastikas, and their guns, no Bible this time, just the hate.