Tuesday, June 5, 2012

more dissing of women?

"And then on May 22, they took their message to Facebook. In just days, there was outrage, and some called the women a “disgrace to the uniform” and labeled their actions “conduct unbecoming.”

“The Today Show” picked up the story and felt the strange need to offer a warning to viewers before airing it: “A few of you may find it too revealing.” Seriously? Is America so prude that the act of feeding a baby causes “controversy”?

my first thought "so let the baby cry and deny it nutrition because you feel imposed upon?" what, mommy didn't bond with you? will you then complain about the baby crying. right wants you to have the children at all cost, but are not willing to do anything in support of "THEIR" law for those forced mother's.

so now in order to serve your country you have to not have children? Ladies when you gonna vote in a gov't who has a concern for you and yours?

this wreaks of right wing,Evangelical, Catholic war on women, these guys are worse then the middle eastern attitude toward women.
why this incessant drive to deny women? do right wing law maker's need therapy? i would like to quote James Brown," this is a man's world, but it wouldn't be nothing without a women or a girl" RECOGNIZE! please click title