why is it that the one's who shout how exceptional America is, how much they love this country etc. are the very one's who in no way practice what they preach. there is no democracy in their agenda there is no social safety nets for those in need just demonizing because of that need that is sustained by their lack of legislation to correct and really be the country that is all that, not the country floundering at the bottom of the barrel because of right wing apathy.
they talk a good game only because of the fickleness and disloyalty of the electorate. dumping our beloved Pres. will not solve America's problem's just perpetuate them. if you feel this admin has failed look at why look at Nov. 8th 2008 denial of working with him, make him a one termer, say no to everything he wants to do, screw "we the people" for 4 years by denying him the ability to help the country recover from last admin "they just have to put up with the party of "NO" for 4 years then after we have sank Obama and the country they'll come running back to us" please click title
haven't you heard that ideology before? Charles Manson, "HELTER SKELTER" ring any bells? click the "this" in text of article