Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Jim Hightower | A secret astroturf assault on Obama

"Calling themselves Veterans for a Strong America, they're attacking President Obama with a pile of political rubbish, while also foaming at the mouth with rabid Islamophobia. The group is trying to become the 2012 version of the infamous Swift Boat Veterans for Truth that savaged John Kerry's 2004 campaign with a barrage of untruths".

"It's first shot is a flashy online ad that takes some Obama quotes out of context and scrambles them to make it seem as though he's claiming credit for personally gunning down Osama bin Laden. Joel Arends, the founder and honcho of this outfit, brags that "Yes, it's the swift boating of the president." No less of a propogandameister than Karl Rove, considered to be the father of the Swift Boat bunch, has tried to boost Arends credibility by calling the video "powerful."

anybody who heard or saw the Pres. pounding his chest, landing on an aircraft carrier, raising a banner saying "i got Bin Laden, i got Bin Laden, and you didn't, you didn't" let's see a show of hands. lol please click title