Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Donald Dilemma: Loves The Crowds, Hates The Presidency

The Donald Dilemma: Loves The Crowds, Hates The Presidency

I've been watching Donald Trump pretty closely (How to avoid it? Dear God in Heaven, how to avoid it?) and I have a theory. Bear with me now, because at first you're going to laugh. I know I did. But here it is: The billionaire Trump would rather die than be president of the United States. But then he'd rather die than give up the attention, the fabulous, almost surreal attention. From the people, from the press, from the Big Guys in Washington, from the world! It's all his! Donald Trump's! He can't give it up! He just can't! But, damn, he does not want to be president.
One day, back in 2015, the showman Trump, the billionaire Donald, ridiculed by many, unliked by most, on a lark, dipped his toe--the most amazing toe in the world, let him tell you--into the presidential pool, and something magical happened. People--ordinary people--liked him! They really, really liked him! Some of them thought he'd make a great president! Not just a great president but the greatest president this country had ever seen! Maybe the greatest in the world! Him! Donald Trump!
He came up with a clever slogan. Such a clever slogan, you wouldn't believe: "Make America great again!" Word got around that this billionaire with no political ties was going to make America great again. The crowds came. They roared. He roared. They were hooked. He was hooked.
It didn't matter that he didn't have a plan. It was enough that he agreed to hate all the people they hated, that he spoke off the cuff, that he said the most outrageous things--godawful things--and got away with it. It became a spectacle and the show began to run on its own steam. It was better than any juicy, shocking reality show. It was better because they were all in it, participating, instead of just watching it on their TV screens.
But then something happened. Donald Trump began to be taken seriously. Some members of the fawning press went from enjoying the pure folly of it to asking him the hard questions. The questions any serious presidential candidate should know. Questions about the economy, about policy, about world affairs. But that's not what interested him. Not in the least.
this is lengthy but i think spot on the way he has this matter of fact, aw i don't care say what want is an indicator of someone who has talked themselves into a whole and now everybody is looking down on him some look up but a message of hate is not a hard sell like leading a thirsty horse to water he will drink so they call it touching a nerve i call it another rich guy speaking hate and bigotry which the base sees as validation for who ant what they are.  

now he' getting all the praise and endorsing from the dregs of our society which muddles his image as billionaire entrepreneur and relegates him down to that level he now is one of them and i don't think someone who is a 24/7 self aggrandizing i'm all that and a chicken wing wants that association.  which could be the beginning of what maybe a not so smooth way out.  just a thought