During a recent episode of Believers Voice of Victory, two of the right-wing’s most popular charlatans TV psuedo-preachers spent more than five minutes discussing why they have to fly on private jets.
According to Kenneth Copeland and Jesse Duplantis, you cannot talk to God without a private jet.
Duplantis started off the segment by talking about how “God spoke to him” during a recent flight on the private jet he purchased tax-free, with donations sent to him by his gullible followers.
Not surprisingly, Duplantis says this great miracle happened after he had just finished preaching with Creflo Dollar, another right-wing preacher who made headlines after spending $65 million on a private jet.
During the segment Duplantis claimed that when God spoke to him, he was so moved that he threw off his seat belt and jumped to his feet, shouting stuff back to God.
Just about the time Duplantis was getting around to sharing a verse from the Old Testament book of Amos, Copeland cut him off. Not wanting to get off topic by talking about the Bible, Copeland asserted that a “conversation with God” could never have happened on a commercial flight.
“You couldn’t have done that on an airliner. Stand up and say “What’d you say, Lord? Okay? No? Yeah? And the guy sitting over there, saying, “What the hell does he think he’s doing?” You can’t do that! No, no…”
So he’s either saying that God is not able to communicate with people who fly commercial, or he’s saying that “true believers” (supposedly like these two loons) would be forced to ignore the actual, presumably-booming voice of God, if he tried to talk to them on a commercial flight.
Really? So these two “great religious leaders” would basically be like “Nope, sorry God, people are looking. Guess you should’ve given me a private jet like Creflo Dollar’s, hmm?”
organized religion is not as intended it is to easy to manipulate those seeking direction and willing to accept it no matter that it smacks in the face of Jesus's teachings. these charlatans prey on those gullible and in front of them flaunt their success of fleecing the flock telling them they too can attain these things they just leave out the part where they would have to find a bunch as susceptible as they are.