Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Woodland, NC bans solar farm out of fear it will steal sun's energy . . . No, seriously!



The stupid, it burns . . . . The worst of the lot? A former SCIENCE teacher that said she was afraid it would hurt nearby plants making them unable to photosynthesize . . . Woodland’s Planning Commission banned the solar farm on a 3-1 vote.  That’s right, 75% of the planning commission was either too afraid to tell their stupid residents the actual scientific truth, or they’re just as stupid as their residents.
Bobby Mann said he watched communities dry up when I-95 came along and warned that would happen to Woodland because of the solar farms.
More here: www.alan.com/… Not surprisingly, the comments section is vicious.
Update:  There are a few in the comments claiming that I’m really being unfair to the people ofWoodlawn and that the story has been “debunked.”  Some point to the very same Roanoke story I linked to as evidence of this.  I don’t buy this shallow defense for two reasons.  
First, the planning commission was never quoted as opposing the farms for any other reason.  As I stated previously, no effort was made by the Planning Commission to “set the record straight” or to clarify why they were establishing a moratorium on any future building of Solar Farms.
 Second, the claim that their town is “surrounded by Solar Farms” belies actual evidence of that fact. Another Article decided to take a look at the veracity of the claims that Solar Farms were affecting the property values of the town of Woodland.  A satellite view of Woodland shows no evidence that it is being surrounded by anything other than regular farms.   
The only things nearby that even look like solar farms are farm storage buildings. . . as in the kind you see in any rural area that has a lot of farming.  Maybe there are plans for building large solar farms, but they certainly aren’t near enough to affect property values in any negative way, and I moved Google Earth around quite a lot looking for these enormous solar farms everyone is talking about.  Sorry, this doesn’t pass the lame excuse test.
you have to consider if these people believe this kind of nonsense it's not that they had an mass epiphany but more likely from those who want to debunk clean energy in favor of polluting oil and coal.  with no facts to back the assumption i think it safe to say it was introduced by outside interest who want to deny and deprive us of a better cleaner earth so they might continue making the market of energy theirs.