'The more terrorists you create'
Following Donald Trump's comments about ending Muslim emigration to the US, and asked how she responded to the "wild things being said about Islam and Muslims", she said: "I can just highlight one thing. The more you speak about Islam and against all Muslims, the more terrorists we create.
"So it's important that whatever politicians say, whatever the media say, they should be really, really careful about it. If your intention is to stop terrorism, do not try to blame the whole population of Muslims for it because it cannot stop terrorism. It will radicalise more terrorists."
i agree, but the republican right wing refuses again the fact of reality it gives them what they thing is plausible deniability like the preacher who burned the Quran and the video i still believed went far enough to be a key incitement to Benghazi again which the vehemently disclaim it also let's then feel comfortable with making controversial rhetoric and acts their reasons bigotry and hate even though those Muslims have never done anything tpo them but be on the same planet that my friends is personalized intolerance.
that is a byproduct f a party of stupid, stupider and stupidest hell bent on discrimination at any cost.