Rush Limbaugh has a secret that he keeps from his feces throwing listeners. He is cooperating with the Obama administration in a government effort to combat climate change induced beach erosion on his ocean front property in Palm Beach, Florida.
Limbaugh just signed off on a plan to cooperate with the US Army Corp of Engineers to use his property to store sand and then spread it along the beach where he resides. In his easement deal with the Corps obtained through the town of Palm Beach, Limbaugh is allowing the use of his 2.5 acre compound on the extreme north side of the island to “enhance shoreline management” and provide “storm protection in safe guarding coastal properties”.
The project involves bulldozers and mounts of sand several times per year. Palm Beach County Appraiser values Limbaugh’s property at 51 million dollars.
Rush Limbaugh’s property on the north end of Palm Beach is going to be used to help a U.S. government effort to slow down beach erosion
Rush Limbaugh has a secret that he keeps from his feces throwing listeners. He is cooperating with the Obama administration in a government effort to combat climate change induced beach erosion on his ocean front property in Palm Beach, Florida.
Hat tip to Jose Lambiet’s Gossip Extra for his exclusive on Limbaugh’s climate change hypocrisy.
Limbaugh just signed off on a plan to cooperate with the US Army Corp of Engineers to use his property to store sand and then spread it along the beach where he resides. In his easement deal with the Corps obtained through the town of Palm Beach, Limbaugh is allowing the use of his 2.5 acre compound on the extreme north side of the island to “enhance shoreline management” and provide “storm protection in safe guarding coastal properties”.
The project involves bulldozers and mounts of sand several times per year. Palm Beach County Appraiser values Limbaugh’s property at 51 million dollars.
It makes perfect sense that a bunch of socialists would want to take issue with anything that demonstrates the success of capitalism. And energy is the lifeblood of freedom. Energy and the free flow of energy at market prices is the lifeblood, of capitalism, of freedom and democracy the world over, and that is what they want to bring down. And the way they want to bring it down is by taxing energy to the point that people can't afford to use it. It's about weakening the United States and other western democracies.
It's about creating a lesser world under the guise of a fairer and more equitable world. Because there isn't any warming, and certainly no warming that can be laid at the feet of human beings. We're not warming! There hasn't been any in 20 years, and the temperature record that says there has been has probably been faked. It's one of the greatest scandals. It may be the biggest worldwide scandal, political scandal in world history, what has been done to the temperature record, how it's been altered and doctored to "prove," quote/unquote, that there has been warming. There hasn't been any, and certainly nowhere near what they predict in their models, which is all they've got.
What a piece of work this guy is. Sucking on the government’s socialist teat to protect his property from climate change while he spews climate change denial bull crap to his listeners.
guess what else republicans and right wing have been keeping from us, and Limbaugh well suffice it to say 51 million is worth more than keeping the denial lies afloat one republican who can do the math. bet he has a underground bunker to keep him safe from the affects of climate change a long with others who can afford it. looks like he could spring for a little landscaping unless he's been in that bunker so long weeds are taking over
looking out for the people guess they neglected to say only 26% of them