Nothing says happy birthday, baby Jesus like a cache of weapons. In between news of mass shootings, Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore is drawing outrage after posting a Christmas card featuring the entire family fully armed on her Facebook page with the message:
It's up to Americans to protect America. We're just your ordinary American family.-With love & liberty, Michele
Because nothing says let’s celebrate the Prince of Peace more than posing with a cache of high-powered weapons designed to kill. She’s a big fan of the Second Amendment and responded to the terrorist attack in San Bernardino thusly:
My strong message to you is its time Americans begin protecting America. Get armed, get trained get your head out if the sand and be prepared.back in the day Christmas to young boys might mean a BB gun, various cap guns they talk about taking the country back why not back to cap guns and not AR-15's or 9 mm hand guns THIS IS WHO THEY ARE Santa strapped and reindeer supporting bandoleers and a bag full of guns maybe will get luck and he'll accidentally shoot himself after the first delivery/s.
first the right wing racialized Santa then they commercialized Christmas now those they armed are militarizing it and they say we have a war against Christmas????????????????????????????????
they are also denying right to worship to other Americans whose faith does not recognize Dec. 25th especially those Jewish Americans they were all up in arms about defending just more hypocrisy.