Marco Rubio has just proven what an immature empty suit he really is. It’s unbelievable that Republicans don’t have the intellect or common sense to be embarrassed by the clowns that are running for the GOP nomination.
Below find his ridiculously stupid comment:
“I don’t hear anybody talking about bomb control. They put bombs and left bombs behind on the scene of attack, intending to kill even more people than they did with guns.”
— Sen. Marco Rubio, in an interview with Fox News.
Can somebody please inform Rubio that you can’t walk into a store to buy a bomb, but gun stores proliferate all over the country.
There’s even a new cable show starting soon called “Gun TV” where you will be able to but a gun, watching television.…
From 1983 to 2002, there were 699 bomb deaths in the US. From 1993-2011, there were 242,394 gun-related deaths in the US. Bombs being illegal seems to have had a positive effect.
Mr. Rubio, please let me know when Walmart starts selling bombs and grenades.
is it really that they are that stupid or is it more they think their base is that ignorant that they will bite on anything they toss into the red meat troughs????????????????