Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Las Vegas Trump Rally Brings Shouts Of 'Seig Heil' -- And Worse


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On the solemn third anniversary of the Sandy Hook Massacre tragedy, Vegas is the scene for the antithetical three ring circus to contrast with that mournful event. At the Trump Rally, the Black man is on the ground, being held down by Donald J. Trump's private security, the Trump rally-goers begin to get amped. A lone woman pleads,
'let him get up, let him get up!'
This is what they come for, the blatant hate-mongering, the White-supremacy and the chance to show your racism in an open forum.
This is what we've come to expect from a Trump rally. And at this one in particular, last night at the Westgate Hotel in Las Vegas, where the choicest cuts of Trump Prime Beef showed up to give us a taste of their brand of government dreams: 1933 Nazi Germany.
It gets worse. As the man is dragged out, we can hear a protester proudly shouting 'Sieg Heil!' three times in succession. Then it gets even more awful.
While it had previously been reported that one black protester was assaulted by security as a Trump supporter shouted, “Light that motherf*cker on fire!”
Another man — described as wearing a “glittering black suit” — was heard yelling, “He’s a Muslim! He’s a Muslim!” as a protester was escorted from the ballroom.
As the protesters were being hauled away, Trump continued speaking to the crowd, complaining that the only time the media films the large crowds at his rally is when they are being interrupted by protesters.
No Donald, that's not how it is at all. You have yet to give a single serious policy declaration, you have no experience, no plan, no humility and a lot of hate-speech. We'll cover your words when they are substantive. Until then, you're going to have to deal with the news being all about your unruly, Stormfront-loving brownshirts who seem to dominate your rallies.
this is who they are you've heard me before say that republicans have this sick fetish love of all things Nazi and that they are the only ones who ever bring it up this is a violent culture bred on hate remember Rand Pauls security stomping a woman in the neck in a cyrb for asking a question???


they take violent response to anyone opposing them even their rhetoric note Trump and others repeatedly use the word attack on each other they vote to arm crazies even carry permits that include bars and churches and constantly saber wave at other countries this is who they are.  look in the mirror decide who you are before going off to vote.