Fox News recently brought in celebrated TV therapist, Dr. Phil, to educate their staff on the inequalities between black and white kids in America. Now, with riots in Baltimore spreading throughout the country, Brian Kilmeade seemed befuddled, essentially whining, 'why do these people keep making problems for America?'
Kilmeade: “This is like the fourth major inner city uprising, and we keep saying where’s the character, where are the parents, where’s the opportunity, where are the role models? How long are we going to keep saying, ‘Where are they and what can be done to change this?’ Because those kids have the same potential as your kids and our kids.”
Dr. Phil: “I’m not sure that’s true. They may have the same potential, but I’m not sure they have the same opportunities because the fact is the school system is not necessarily the same, the resources are not necessarily the same, the leadership that they have from the parents because of the generational pass-throughs are not the same. There’s no question that they have a steep hill and a tough row to hoe."
this is why so many are misled and follow a narrative that is created by the White privilege and passed down to the base of the republican party by them. i wrote in an earlier post that this is of their doing they create the economy that favors them leaving others behind on their own
then when that structure begins to decay they blame those victimized by their politics of disenfranchising and taking away all they can from their voice at the voting booth to the social programs that help the poor and food from babies mouths that just a few months before they were fawning over because then they were fetuses and ammo for their war against women, now a baby they care less than gnat crap. closing schools and ignoring repairs and equipment.
Dr. Phil thank you for exposing those who oppose as the hypocrites they are.