Friday, December 18, 2015

A member of Carly Fiorina's 'warrior class' flatly refutes her claim in last night's debate

Retired General Jack Keane on Fox News

"One of the things I would immediately do … is bring back the warrior class -- Petraeus, McChrystal, Mattis, Keane, Flynn. ... Every one was retired early because they told President Obama things that he didn’t want to hear."
That’s what Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina told debate moderators and viewers during the Republican presidential debate last night. Like many of her previous debate statements, it’s flat-out untrue. So says retired General Jack Keane. Watch Keane refute Fiorina’s statement, saying he’s never even spoken to President Obama. Thanks to Media Matters for the video and transcript below:
STUART VARNEY (HOST): You heard it. Carly Fiorina, last night, mentioned General Jack Keane by name and guess who is here: Gen. Jack Keane. Alive and alert, and with us this morning. Did you in fact, general, give advice to President Obama, which he didn't want to hear and didn't take?
JACK KEANE: No, I have never spoken to the president.That's not accurate, and I never served this administration. I served the previous administration.
my first thought is does she realize she is lying repeatedly and if so what is her motive if not then she has rendered herself null and void as far as president.  who would believe her, who would bother to waste their time in her presence???  but there are those who will vote for her any way that is the sad part, we the people are our worst enemies we are enablers to those who would take advantage.
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