Jonah Goldberg, a (white) editor at the conservative magazine National Review, thinks that Ben Carson is blacker than Barack Obama.
One could argue that he’s even more authentically African-American than Barack Obama, given that Obama’s mother was white and he was raised in part by his white grandparents. In his autobiography, Obama writes at length about how he grew up outside the traditional African-American experience — in Hawaii and Indonesia — and how he consciously chose to adopt a black identity when he was in college.
Meanwhile, Carson grew up in Detroit, the son of a very poor, very hard-working single mother.
This isn't the first time a white conservative has made this argument. Earlier this month, Rupert Murdoch attempted to contrast Carson with President Barack Obama by implying that Carson would be better for black America than Obama has been:
Murdoch appears to understand that the phrase "real black president" was offensive — he followed up the next morning with "Apologies! No offence meant." But it's not clear that he actually understood what was offensive about it.
Both Murdoch and Goldberg are inserting themselves into a debate within black America about who counts as black — which, when it comes to Obama, is inseparable from whether Obama has done enough for black people as president. That's what the New York magazine article Murdoch referenced is about: In it, several black critics fault Obama for being too reticent to talk about racism (especially early in his presidency) and for not using political capital on issues like voting rights.when it comes to the Black experience neither of these White people really know what that is they are just pandering and saying what they have heard is what will hook us. they are playing on a ageless idea of what they invented pitting us against one another what they have been claiming Pres. wants to do divide us when it is and always has been them.
color plays the biggest part darker skinned Americans than slaves were never favored over the lighter skinned who were off spring of their raping of Black women. it was bred into our future generations and supported by what we saw that favoritism turning into privilege and then resentment which still extends today. those people while enjoying their benefits of maternal rape also begin to self hate not being fully excepted by Whites and rejected by Blacks.
they know which presents the most advantage so they flock more to the White side of the street and speak the rhetoric of right wing than there are those who try to fully embrace their Blackness but still are looked upon with scrutiny. this is learned behavior perpetrated by those who would presume to own us to keep control and give their illegitimate offspring a chance.
as to Carson if they think he's more "Black" than Pres. outside of skin tone prove it send him in places where his bona fides can be tested away from those who see him as a less threatening "Negro",
he's more milquetoast than Black he speaks with a slave mentality appeasing those who see us as the subservient race he is the proverbial "HOUSE N" and will follow instructions, but one think they fail to give us credit for color is not a prerequisite for our vote neither are the things he says that makes them cheer. he is theirs not ours.