Sarah Palin and her daughter Bristol love to tout the importance of abstaining from sex until marriage. Of course, infamously, the hypocritical Bristol got pregnant at the age of 17, and is no longer with her son Tripp’s father, Levi. Further, she is at the end of a second pregnancy. Again, there is no husband. None of this would matter if the Palins didn’t make literal careers of moralizing on the lives of others regarding this very subject. Well, mommy Sarah has the perfect explanation for all of it: God.
The interview in Palin’s home state of Alaska with CBS’s Tracy Smith began with flashbacks to Palin’s many stumbles in her failed vice presidential run. Then, it turned to present struggles, including Bristol’s plight as a single mom.
When Bristol’s second pregnancy was brought up, Sarah Palin tried to explain away her family’s hypocrisy. Smith said to Palin:
“Bristol is pregnant again. That can’t be how you saw this playing out, unmarried and pregnant again.”
wonder what the evangelicals think about this, she says it's a 2nd thru 5th chance but to do what, do they refer to her by all the derogatory names that they use on other religions doing this out of wedlock??????? Palin calls them chances where i;m from they would call her something else.