One would think that by the year 2015 we would no longer have to worry about rampant homophobia, especially from Hollywood, but alas, that is not the case. It looks as though ABC just decided to shut down the possibility of two male dancers dancing with one another to Who Is Fancy’s new song “Boys Like You,” featuring Ariana Grande and Meghan Trainor, on an upcoming episode of Dancing With The Stars.
Who Is Fancy’s choreographer had planned on having two men dance together on the show because the song is about two men falling in love with one another.
However, it would seem a producer from Dancing With The Stars got back to the choreographer and said:
“Apologies all but this is a definitive no from the network.”
Apparently, there can only be “near dancing” between two men. Whatever that means. They can only dance near each other, but not with each other?
Business Insider reports:
ABC reportedly said it would allow “near dancing,” such as the performance earlier this week in which pro dancers Alek Skarlatos and Carlos PenaVega basically toss each other around to Queen’s “We Will Rock You.”
That reminds me of a middle school dance where a chaperone would tell the students to “leave room for Jesus” and not get too close.
ABC is aware we’re in the year 2015. correct? Marriage equality is even law of the land now. Are they afraid they’re going upset their middle-aged middle America audience who still hasn’t grasped a world outside their front door?so their is a double standard bias on ABC denying the Gay men equal rights to Gay women this time seems ABC has a history of permissive awareness of Gay culture with teens but even now with new laws ans attitude change they revert back to a homophobic place how two faced is that????????????????????????????????