Yes, this is seriously in the bill that wants to cut Social Security disability benefits and Medicare provider payments. Seriously.
That's right. We're paying these yahoos hundreds of thousands of dollars per year to designate an area of the Capitol the "Freedom Foyer" to satisfy petty little tea party autocrats
what is all this fanfare around an ideal that is lopsided republican ED there are no freedoms it's a sham they bare referring to their freedoms and big business freedoms to do whatever the hell they want while convincing their under informed that these unseen freedoms are for them don't the ever wonder year after year "where's the freedoms" Mr. Speaker??????????????????
would that money be better served helping Americans in need yes on my side of the street and "i can't hear you" on theirs as they head uinto yet another recess. this is not a party of fiscal responsibility or give a damn. if i might borrow from a commercial when you pull out your voter registration card "what's in your wallet"?????????????????????????????????????????????????