Isn't it funny how when the House majority leader admits that the Benghazi Committee is all about attacking Hillary Clinton, the media suddenly starts noticing the other evidence that the Benghazi Committee is all about attacking Hillary Clinton? And calling them out on at least some of their inaccuracies and falsehoods?
... over at Meet the Press, NBC’s longtime top diplomatic correspondent, Andrea Mitchell, was bashing another panel Republican, Mike Pompeo of Kansas, for charging that Clinton had “relied on Mr. Blumenthal for most of her intelligence” on Libya.
“That is factually not correct,” Mitchell told Pompeo.
“No, it is absolutely factually correct,” Pompeo responded.
Mitchell: “Relied on Mr. Blumenthal for most of her intelligence?... I cover the State Department. That is just factually not correct and I've been as tough on this issue as anyone.” The State Department has its own intelligence arm, and also receives classified reports from the CIA and Pentagon intelligence agencies.
What's this? A Benghazi Republican being called out for something that is "factually not correct," even when he insists that it is "absolutely factually correct?" The horror, the outrage.
These guys have been getting away with so much for so long, perhaps they even started to believe their own line of bull. But their actions—the focus on interviewing people connected to Hillary Clinton, the incessant leaking, the lying—showed what the real story was all along. Now the media is noticing, and the Republicans don't have much more than "believe us because we say so."
i would like to equate republican denial of their real agenda with Benghazi and their denial of the facts. line from movie usual suspects, this my friends is called giving the devil his do.