Sunday, October 25, 2015

Tennessee Republican compares Obamacare to the Holocaust, and means it

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart: Stewart with image of Tennessee State Sen. Stacey Campfield

Tennessee State Sen. Stacey Campfield, who we have heard from before due to his status as a thundering moron, blogs his "Thought of the day."
Democrats bragging about the number of mandatory sign ups for Obamacare is like Germans bragging about the number of manditory sign ups for "train rides" for Jews in the 40s.
Campfield says he will not be apologizing, though "it was never my intent to insult anyone."
“I think Jewish people should be the first to stand up against Obamacare,” Campfield said. “If government is controlling people's health insurance, they are potentially controlling people's lives....letting the government choose who lives and who dies.”
That's Republican State Sen. Stacey Campfield, America, a man who is pretty sure a plan to give Americans health insurance is like the Holocaust. And this, America, is why looking for the Republican Party to become less batshit insane in the near future is a fool's quest. That bench is too deep.
they get their panties in a bunch saying Pres. doesn't support Israel or like Jews.  the token Carson says ObamaCares is worse than slavery, numerous references to all things Nazi in comparison to whatever Pres. did so here we are some of them Holocaust deniers other make similar comparisons, one said Pres. was leading them to the furnace doors and who might that be you're right the jack leg preacher Huckabee who also claims concern for Israel  why do they use such hurtful references if they really care?????????