Friday, October 23, 2015

Ryan makes run for speaker official after gaining support from GOP's right, far right and OMG right

Paul Ryan  speaking at CPAC in Washington D.C. on February 10, 2011.

"I am ready and eager to be our speaker," Ryan said in a letter to colleagues Thursday night. "We can show the country what a commonsense conservative agenda looks like." [...]
"I never thought I'd be speaker. But I pledged to you that if I could be a unifying figure, then I would serve—I would go all in. After talking with so many of you, and hearing your words of encouragement, I believe we are ready to move forward as a one, united team. And I am ready and eager to be our speaker."
Ryan obtained support from enough members of three factions of the Republican Party. The vote for the speakership, which will take place next Thursday, is a foregone conclusion.
What's not foregone is the unity that he and presumably a majority of Republicans hope he can create from the deep divisions among the right, the far-right and the completely off-the-friggin'-chart right that now make up 90 or so percent of the party. His honeymoon as speaker could be mighty short.
"We can show the country what a commonsense conservative agenda looks like." 
hold up, hold up did we not just witness 11 hours of what commonsense agenda looks like???????????

these guys are really delusional and that my friends gives us a gov't of of those who have no idea what commonsense is and would lead by instruction by those who paid their way to Washington, DC.  any issues you have you'll still have them in 2020, this is truly not a gov't of or by the people that is providing you are not a corporation
 coming into this issuing ultimatums to people who don't take them but dish them out was a strike one.

remember Norquist rules for republican office, the criteria is across the board loyalty above all,

keep in mind Beohner followed them to the point of being turned into a blubbering heap so given the current condition of the party taking bets on how long Lyin Ryan will last if he does or doesn't.