GOP presidential contender, Sen. Marco Rubio is still pretending that his billionaire backers like Sheldon Adelson aren't going to have a bit of influence on his campaign. Here he is on this Tuesday's Your World With Neil Cavuto, responding to Donald Trump's accusation that if Adelson backs Rubio, "he'll have total control" over him.
Gotta' love it when they eat their own. Here's more from Fox's blog on Rubio's response: Rubio Fires Back at Criticism That He Would Be Controlled by Billionaire Donor:
Marco Rubio appeared on "Your World" today and fired back at Donald Trump's claim that he would be controlled by donor Sheldon Adelson if the casino billionaire decides to endorse him.
"If someone decides to support our candidacy, they're buying into our agenda. We're not buying into theirs," Rubio said.
The Florida senator said that the only issue he and Adelson discussed was Israel's security, which he 'd be deeply committed to regardless of who supported him.
Rubio said he's put his positions on the record, with a detailed policy agenda that's in writing and supported by his voting record.
"If people like that, they come on board and if they don't, they go with somebody else," Rubio said.
Rubio also said he went into the race knowing he was not the first choice of the "entrenched political establishment."
But he said his campaign has hit all of its fundraising targets and "will continue to build the resources to communicate our message."these guys really buy into the party of stupid thing except they see their base as the ones who are stupid and us do you really think rich donors that depend on legislation to assure them more profits would give a guy associated with a party for sale millions to get elected and not expect anything in return if they get elected if you do believe it skip the bridge i got a hand full of dirt for sale.
the same can be said for Trump if he gets in to you really think he'll kill all those staple tax cuts for republicans especially any that may impact his fortune???????? buyer beware!!!!!!!!!!!!