Saturday, October 10, 2015

Oregon's first week's pot sales at $11 mil, tax benefits for state may exceed expectations

Oregon's first week of recreational pot sales has far exceeded expectations. Colorado's successful $5 million first week in sales in just about obliterated in the state with the motto Alis Volat Propriis ("She Flies With Her Own Wings"). Oregon's KGW:
After just one week of recreational marijuana sales, Oregon dispensaries have raked in an estimated $11 million.
That figure could mean the state's estimate is shockingly low for how much money it'll make when pot taxes kick in this January.
How low were their expectations?
When Oregon voters approved recreational marijuana, the state set an estimate of $9 million in net tax revenue for the first full year of 2017. But the Oregon Retail Cannabis Association believes it'll bring in three to four times that much.
Oregon legalized the drug back in July. So far no apocalypse has been reported.
all the reefer madness crowd has to feel really stupid with all the money they have been giving to cartels just to deny the massive drug addiction and recreational users in America no demand no supply. for those who aren't familiar here's a link to the reefer madness BS CIRCA 1937.

war started when White kids got into that demon weed had they not legalization might have happened decades ago.  guess the right wing and republicans are the new Marijuana scourge on America. /s