Friday, October 23, 2015

Hillary News & Views 10.23: Clinton Destroys Gowdy's Committee

Former Secretary of State and Democratic Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton testifies before the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, October 22, 2015. AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB        (Photo credit should read SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images)

I actually subjected myself to almost all of the 11-hour hearing and in the aftermath I'm still trying to absorb and ponder its implications. At various times it was fascinating, ridiculous, infuriating, boring, annoying, exciting, nauseating, pathetic, and even occasionally funny. But in the end, it was only one thing: Triumphant...for Hillary.
There will be more on this soon, but for now it's time for a victory lap as we celebrate Gowdy's sham reduced to shambles in a special edition of Hillary News & Views.
i watched nearly 8 hours of this what seemed to be a 60 minutes expose'  of the republican multi-million 17 month chase for confirmation of their deliberately contrived scandal.  people should have been demanding not so much why 4 people were killed in what i believe was the result of the wake of right wing bigots demeaning a Deity of a religion that is 1400 years old granted one of the younger religions not as young as those who would attack and suppress their religious freedoms, but where was their outrage of thousands of American lives snuffed out during their reign.

it was Hillary's show playing a brilliant second banana to republican repetitive attempts catch her in a gotcha moment but when you have a ulterior motive you need a freakin Snickers bar because although you are yourself you lose control.  idle threats of continued beatings of dead horses only made them smell more like stable boyz then politicians seeking truth.

like the time spent on Blumenthal questions and denial of that obsession than refuse to release the transcripts to confirm and then question the republicans voted no was it because they knew there was nothing incriminating and would make them look even more like a party of stupid, my first guess.