Sunday, October 25, 2015

Conservatives howl over Miss America's Planned Parenthood internship

Kira Kazantsev, Miss America 2015

The new Miss America, Kira Kazantsev, isn't necessarily what you'd expect. She volunteered for Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand's campaign. Asked what issue women in the Senate should be particularly focused on, she spoke about military sexual assault—with a shout-out to Gillibrand. 
She's spoken out about having been in an abusive relationship in college. And there's something else, something making Kazantsev the target of conservative venom: She interned with Planned Parenthood "where she supported staff members who provide sex education in the community and at local schools."
The horror! Naturally, conservatives can't hear "Planned Parenthood" without thinking "abortionabortionabortionabortion," even though in fact abortion is only 3 percent of what Planned Parenthood does.
things are really turning republicans telling the truth, social issues are coming to the forefront, and more and more are rejecting right wing philosophies.  spotlights are shinning with a brilliance not seen before and who is center stage the republican skulduggery.

Planned Parenthood getting another look after the smear campaign by republicans are starting to be realized as the political theater that it is it is a plan to get and hold those voters that they can excite with misinformation.   don't know what's going on but i ain't mad about it.

traditionally Miss America winners say things that get more of a head shake and laughter than serious nods guess republicans like themselves expected more of the same and got a real representative of America in their faces.