what's he doing in the pic abbra ka dabbra Medicare be gone???????????????????????????????????
You'd think a doctor would know better, but he is a specialist and specialists really don't much care for Medicare or any health care plan that limits the zillions they can make. But Ben Carson doesn't just want to cut Medicare. He wants to kill it outright.
Carson, who now leads the GOP field in Iowa according to the latest Quinnipiac Poll, would eliminate the program that provides health care to 49 million senior citizens, as well as Medicaid, and replace it with a system of cradle-to-grave savings accounts which would be funded with $2,000 a year in government contributions. While rivals have been pummeled for proposing less radical changes, Carson hasn't faced the same scrutiny -- and his continued traction in polls has left GOP strategists and conservative health care wonks scratching their heads.
the republican field speaks more to the base voters character than the party platform again it's becoming more clear who it is that comprises the party of stupid the politicians because of themselves the base because the definition of stupidly; stupid is seeing and hearing the truth and still believe the lies.
the White power structure and it's supporters like him because he relieves the pressure of fault, guilt and complicity by silence of the Black dynamic not your realist but more of a republican appeaser and BINO. i think they think they might be able to reproduce the Obama phenomenon just in reverse of his PRINCIPLES. FYI it doesn't work if you are republican!!!