After being kicked out of Amtrak’s quiet car, Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie’s spokesperson is offering “sincere apologies” to those the New Jersey Governor offended this morning on an Amtrak Acela train to New York.
The Governor was on his way home after a Sunday show appearance in Washington, D.C., during which he accused some Black Lives Matters followers of calling for killing cops and blamed President Obama for this “lawlessness”. That bomb thrown, Christie proceeded to raise a ruckus in the sacred quiet car, according to a witness quoted by Gawker, yelling at his Secret Service because he didn’t get the seat he wanted and then barking into his phone complaints like “this is frickin’ ridiculous” and “seriously?! seriously?!”.
Melissa Cronin at Gawker explained that first the Governor almost missed the train, then he didn’t get the seat he wanted and then, to add insult to injury, he got kicked out of the quiet car. Bad Sunday.
A (named) passenger told Gawker:
He got on last minute yelling at his two secret service agents I think because of a seat mixup, sat down and immediately started making phone calls on the quiet car. After about 10 minutes the conductor asked him to stop or go to another car. He got up and walked out again yelling at his secret service. He was drinking a McDonald’s strawberry smoothie.
Yeah, coulda just been some rando angry person who has a political agenda against Governor Bridgegate. You know how vindictive some people can be. But nope. It’s real. And Christie’s spokeswoman Sam Smith already has a “sincere apology” for those who were offended.
no mystery why he's at 2.4 in polls and not rising. buster bad azz only when he's attacking DEMS not the constituency duh!!! makes you wonder if he is that bullish with those assigned to take bullet for him makes it hard to believe he was so snuggly, cuddly with the bridgegate staff and was hands off but in his defense he did call them a bunch of names you know sticks and stones thing.