old post but still the same you have to give righty's a c for consistency. Beck can sell this because remember he told his viewers;
Beck: ‘If you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot.’
Just when you didn't think professional juvenile shit-stirrer Glenn Beck could sink any lower, yesterday he and his co-hosts discussed the uptick of politicians who now stand on the right side of marriage equality.
Of course, his top target was Hillary Clinton, whom he said would be "having sex with a woman on the White House desk if it becomes popular":
plural noun: reprobates
an unprincipled person (often used humorously or affectionately).
synonyms: rogue, rascal, scoundrel, miscreant, good-for-nothing, villain, wretch, rake, degenerate, libertine, debauchee; informal,cad; archaicblackguard, knave, rapscallion
"a hardened reprobate"