Wednesday, September 23, 2015

We have a winner: Fox News’ Eric Bolling goes to bat for reprehensible ‘Pharma bro’

Fox News host Eric Bolling on 'The Five' on March 23, 2014.

Fox News host Eric Bolling defended Martin Shkreli’s business moves on Tuesday, saying that raising the price of the drug Daraprim to $750 per pill was sound business, Media Matters reported.
“Be careful before you call for this guy’s head,” Bolling said. “It’s the free market that provides the profit motive that entices drug companies to risk their own money to discover cures for diseases. Now think about this for one second: God help us if we left that to the government.”
Co-host Juan Williams quickly challenged Bolling’s argument.
“He has now simply taken advantage of the fact that he could get it, and taking advantage of people who need the drug,” Williams said, as Bolling said, “No one else wanted it.”
“No one else wanted it,” Bolling countered. “There could be a generic equivalent that comes out. If it stays at, whatever it is, $750 per pill, there’ll be an equivalent.”
this is why people refer to this as heartless profit only capitalism, every cure that comes out starts at a price only rich can afford i guess they are trying to recoup monies spent but there is a difference in that and gauging 750. bucks a shot seems like they would only need to sell a few thousand to recoup and profit which i think is the real objective.

true generics will appear i don't kinow how that works in respect to patents if other companies seek to make a generic they must pay the piper if the piper decides to make thei rown generic, mo' money mo' money all about the Benjamin's.

the one's who have no problem with exhorbent prices for health products are not the poor or working poor that really need it as fo Bolling well,