Friday, September 18, 2015

Fiorina Attacks Hillary Clinton's Record By Lying About It

In case you didn't notice, at last night's CNN GOP Debate, there was only one woman present. Since the G.O.P. delights in perpetuating stereotypes, the token woman on that side of the aisle was the only person who could personally attack Democratic Candidate, Hillary Clinton. 
Carly Fiorina, the Ex-HP disastrous CEO, feels she has a right to attack the track record of the former Senator, Secretary of State and Democratic Front-runner. Hillary is, perhaps, the most qualified candidate for this job, but Carly wants the world to know that she disagrees. Since she has such an abysmal record on being accurate, it was pure irony coming from her.
She told Chris Christie that all he has to do was look at her track record. Carly said,
'she's going to have to defend that track record: of lying about BENGHAZI, of lying about her emails, of lying about her servers, she does not have a track record of accomplishment. Like Mrs. Clinton, I too have traveled hundreds of thousands of miles around the globe, but unlike Mrs. Clinton, I know that flying is an activity, it is not an accomplishment. 
Mrs. Clinton (? maybe she meant Christie, but her rehearsed soliloquy did not mention the NJ Governor) if you want to stump a Democrat, ask them to name an accomplishment of Mrs. Clinton's.
I believe that statement deserves a bit of scrutiny. So let's unpack it. First we know that Mrs. Clinton and the Obama Administration has, and not for a lack of looking, done absolutely nothing criminal with regards to the Benghazi incident on September 11, 2012.
This report exonerating the Administration of wrongdoing is one of many investigations into the tragedy. There have already been seven investigations, 13 hearings, 50 briefings, and 25,000 pages of documents have been released.
But that won’t stop Republicans from re-re-re investigating Benghazi as a part of a crass partisan ploy to turn out the far-right base in November.
Carly's claim that we can't trust her because of some issues with her emails, that aren't even an issue, is another load of horse manure. She was fully exonerated by the Department of Justice:
“There is no question that former Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server,” write the Justice Department attorneys, representing the State Department in the brief.
Lying about her server is not accurate either. She never withheld information, and she explains on her website with a long, detailed list of questions and answers. Here are a few:
Where was the server for her email located?
The server for her email was physically located on her property, which is protected by U.S. Secret Service.
Was the server ever hacked?
No, there is no evidence there was ever a breach.
Was there ever an unauthorized intrusion into her email or did anyone else have access to it?
there is more in the article i was amazed at the conviction she exhibited to her lying knowing it has all been rebuked over and over as many investigations as they have had that's how many rebuttals.