Carly Fiorina, competing to win the forced-birther award for zealotry, campaigned at a crisis pregnancy center Thursday, one of those fake clinics that sell themselves as healthcare providers, and doubled-down on the lies that started with her CNN debate appearance and continued with her campaign's faked video. In her campaign stop she insisted that "anyone who challenges her on the point as part of the 'liberal media.'"
"Interestingly, no one has denied that babies are being butchered for their body parts at Planned Parenthood clinics and elsewhere," she said as supporters clapped. "They're trying to have a conversation about a technicality about a video tape. The character of this nation cannot be about butchery of babies for body parts." [...]
Inside the Carolina Pregnancy Center, however, Fiorina continued to fire away at "liberal hypocrisy."
"They are perfectly prepared to destroy other people's jobs and livelihoods and communities in order to protect fish and frogs and flies," she said. "But they do not think a 17-week-old, a 20-week old, a 24-week old is worth saving. This, ladies and gentlemen, is hypocrisy," she said, referring to the stage of a fetus' development, not the age of a born child.
Nice deflection there, Fiorina. The issue isn't about the existence of abortion at Planned Parenthood or anywhere else. The issue is that she's a pathological liar about it.
deeper and deeper and they talk about Hilary she hasn't been proven a liar Fiorina has and still she continues to beat the drum of deceit with even more resolute. something kind of irrational about people who keep beating a dead horse long after it dies, they all seem to suffer with that could be the tea or just lying zealots.