Thursday, September 17, 2015

Bill O'Reilly tried to ambush Bernie Sanders—Bernie wasn't having it

Bill O'Reilly and Jesse Watters

Bill O'Reilly wants Bernie Sanders to appear on his show, something the Sanders team doesn't seem willing to do. So, Bill O'Reilly sent Jesse Watters to ambush Bernie Sanders and if you watch the interaction, it is crystal clear they weren't interested in asking any legitimate questions. 
They were merely trying to anger Bernie Sanders and get a clip for Fox News. Watch as Bernie brushes them, immediately telling Jesse Watters he doesn't do ambush interviews and he should talk to his press secretary. That didn't stop Watters for shoving a microphone in Bernie's face as they walk down a hallway, asking hard hitting questions like the ones below:
Watters: Bill O is upset because you haven't done the show and we feel like you used to be a friend of the show. You're not so big-time now that you're going to forget about your friends, right?
(no response from Bernie)
Watters: Senator, while I have you here—are you afraid of Hillary Clinton?
(no response from Bernie)
Watters: Senator, O'Reilly is concerned that if you become president you might seize his house. (laughs) Should he be worried?
(Bernie continues to ignore, talks to aide)
Watters: Alright, Senator. Well, thank you very much. It was a pleasure. Maybe we could do this another time.
Video goes back to the studio where Bill O'Reilly and Jesse Watters have a good laugh. Somewhere, Walter Cronkite is turning in his grave.
when the real news doesn't favor your embellished versions you go out and create your own stories a Fox staple if it ain't so make it so. as far as them having a laugh fact is Watters failed and bilo had nothing but exposure of their tactics to contrive gotcha video.

Bernie as well as others know the clandestine MO they use to make their show and as the title says Bernie ain't biting.  more negatives for the liar n chief surprised he didn't say he was there hiding in the closet when the walk of shame took place. despicable them

silence really can be golden or in this case priceless.  Bernie continues to look more and more appealing