A new study from the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that, contrary to right-wing media assertions, the overwhelming majority of employers have not responded to health insurance mandates in the Affordable Care Act by slashing jobs, converting full-time positions to part-time, or putting off hiring new workers. Fox News and The Wall Street Journal spent years claiming health care reform would threaten American jobs.
Kaiser Survey Consistent With Previous Findings That ACA Has "Had Virtually No Adverse Effect" On Employment. According to an August 2015 study by the Urban Institute and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the ACA has "had virtually no adverse effect on labor force participation, employment, or usual hours worked per week through 2014."
In particular, the study found that total employment for working-age adults was 1.8 percentage points higher than expected, which is "inconsistent with predictions that the ACA would decrease employment".
how much truth and rebuking is required for those who oppose because of the lies to see they have been played and denied whatever the cheer that appears to hurt us hurts them too. it seems their membership in the hate club means more to them then their own well being.
republicans have taken on a Chicken Little persona though that might have a better chance of happening then republican faux predictions of all things Obama.