In The New York Times, Charles Blow writes today:
Only one candidate in last week’s Republican presidential debate was asked to directly address the Black Lives Matter movement and that candidate was Gov. Scott Walker.
Moderator Megyn Kelly asked Walker:
“Governor Walker, many in the Black Lives Matter movement, and beyond, believe that overly-aggressive police officers targeting young African-Americans is the civil rights issue of our time. Do you agree? And if so, how do you plan to address it? If not, why not?”
Walker responded with an answer about sufficient training of officers “not only on the way into their positions but all the way through their time” and about “consequences” for those who don’t properly perform their duties.
Both the question and the answer focused an inordinate amount of attention on police conduct and not enough on revealing that they are simply the agents of policy instituted by officials at the behest of the body politic....
Is it odd that only one candidate got asked about this, and that the candidate was Scott Walker, who seemed to miss the point? I don't think so. I think the question was asked, and was directed at Walker, only because it was expected (probably based on his stump speeches) that Walker would bring up a man named David Clarke. That's precisely what Walker did, as Right Wing Watch noted (emphasis in RWW's post):
Walker referred in his answer to the advice of his “friend” Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, whom he noted had been a guest on Fox News:
Well, I think the most important thing we can do when it comes to policing -- it's something you've had a guest on who's a friend of mine Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, who's talked to me about this many times in the past -- it's about training.
It's about making sure that law enforcement professionals, not only in the way in to their positions but all the way through their time, have the proper training, particularly when it comes to the use of force. And that we protect and stand up and support those men and women who are doing their jobs in law enforcement. And for the very few that don't, that there are consequences to show that we treat everyone the same here in America.

it's like i said is doesn't matter who or what they drag out to support their insanity if they are pro Fox or right wing than whatever they are touting run to the other side.
like the article says he speaks republican lies aimed at White and Black audiences which takes away any credibility cut him off turn it back on in 10 mins. some other whack a mole is repeating what you just heard the fact that he's a ranking cop and Bino Black in name only, makes him only more if you add right wing house "N" to his resume'.