Wednesday, August 19, 2015

There was that time JEB! forced single mothers to post their sexual history in the newspaper...

SIMI VALLEY, CA - MARCH 08:  Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush speaks at the Reagan Library after autographing his new book

This man cannot be president.
I am not exaggerating what happened here.
If a mother was going to give up her child for adoption, the conservative legislature--supported and signed by one Jeb Bush-- she was required to PUBLISH HER ENTIRE SEXUAL HISTORY in a major newspaper.
The idea behind it was... actually, I don't know what the hell the idea was except to publically shame the woman.  (Publically shaming unwed mothers, by the way, is something JEB! actually loudly and proudly called on people to do.)
All I know is that it passed under our wacko bird GOP legislature.
It was called the Scarlet Letter law.
Your friends, neighbors, employers, family, and acquaintances would be able to read everyone you had sex with alongside their Sunday funnies.
If you were raped and conceived a child, (cuz the body doesn't distiguish rape sperm), you couldn't give the child up for adoption in the State of Florida unless you gave the rapist a chance to read about it in the paper.
Or if the man abandoned you and ran off, JEB! and his cohorts thought that maybe seeing his name in print would make him want to return and raise that child.
Along with the mother's name, the notice had to include the following:
must contain a physical description, including, but not limited to age, race, hair and eye color, and approximate height and weight of the minor's mother and of any person the mother reasonably believes may be the father; the minor's date of birth; and any date and city, including the county and state in which the city is located, in which conception may have occurred.
You read that right.  The mother had to put all her personal information, including weight, her sexual partners, and WHERE they may have conceived.  NO exception was made in a case of rape!  Oh, and  it wasn't a one-time ad.  It had to run for one month at the MOTHER'S personal expense even though this was forced on her.  
I don't know what the F-- they were thinking, but it happened.
Instead of being publically shamed, Florida women simply refused to do this.  It may have happened, but I don't know of one case where a woman printed her sexual history in the paper.
Do you know what DID happen though?  Abortions increased.  Adoptions dropped--by a lot.  I know a personal friend of mine who wanted to adopt his stepdaughter when the law was in effect, but he couldn't.  Not without humiliating his wife.  This was JEB!'s Florida.
Eventually, John Ellis Dumb-ass Bush conceded this may not have been the brightest idea.  He relented.  But it got what he wanted: to SHAME women.
i really don't care about how long ago somebody did something as egregious as this a person who would have the mindset to deliberately create a law to shame a humiliate another human being has not loss that ideology, suppressed for political reasons yeah but i'm sure if he thought he could get away with it again in this republican primary where he who out hates and is more despicable then the others wins the right to be considered for president, wonder if the religious right cheered on this one too???????????????????