Sunday, August 16, 2015

Thanks a lot, Donald, but I don’t want to be ‘cherished’

Donald Trump speaking at CPAC 2011 in Washington, D.C (Gage Skidmore/Flickr)

Many will be aware of US Republican hopeful Donald Trump’s faux pas, seemingly alluding to Fox News host Megyn Kelly’s menstrual cycle (“blood coming out of her, wherever”) being responsible for her forceful line of questioning. Now Trump is denying everything (“You almost have to be sick to put that together”), pointing out that he’s hired “killer” female executives (In fairness, he had one helping him on The US Apprentice). Shame, then, that Trump spoiled it by saying : “I cherish women. I want to help them.” Excuse me while I drop into a curtsey. Thank you, kind sir!
Getting away from Trump in particular, this “cherishing” schmaltz generally rings cacophonous alarm bells, saying as much about a man as if he’d appeared in the room wearing full Amish fancy dress. “Cherish” suggests a particular brand of skewed male mindset that many women would be familiar with. It denotes a fullblown “knight in shining armour” fantasy – but this time it’s certain men (strange and worrying men) doing all the fantasising … about themselves.
Please be advised that women don’t object to the “cherish” mindset because it infuriates and sickens them when men have good manners. Rather, it’s because we know about cherish’s “running mates”: male entitlement, control, disappointment, judgment, anger, accusation, resentment and eventual punishment-cum-banishment. The warped trajectory of idealisation.
The point being that if the cherished woman steps out of line, doesn’t kowtow enough, isn’t perma-sweet or sufficiently impressed, doesn’t bat her eyelashes so consistently and violently that she starts bleeding from the sockets, then it’s odds-on that sooner or later she will be pronounced “unfeminine” or a “man-hater”. Unfeminine man-hating women do not get cherished. “Cherishees” must painstakingly follow the woman-script the “cherishers” have so nobly written for them, or they will find themselves booted straight out of paradise. They may even be publicly accused of menstruating in a bad-tempered hormonal way while conducting their journalistic duty on a US news show..
the problem with megalomaniacs and all the other adjectives that are Trump they eventually get to the point of selling themselves as too good to be true the utterances get more of an embellishment than real conversation it shows people pick up on it and then that person becomes scary guy with the middle finger on the red button in a expression of "screw whoever this hits".  foreign leaders not wanting to put up with that kind of egomaniac. and America circles the drain recognize