Saturday, August 8, 2015

Republican JV debate wrap-up: Well, that was a whole lot of nothing

Republican presidential candidates (L-R), former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore, U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, former Texas Governor Rick Perry, former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum, former HP CEO Carly Fiorina and former New Y

Well, that was terrible. Truly terrible. From the premises of the questions—frequent variations on why are you not popular—to the decision to stage the debate in a nearly-audienceless stadium with random photographers wandering in and out of shots, people behind the moderators paying no particular attention to the debaters, 
and so on, it was clear throughout that Fox News was only holding the junior debate out of obligation, not because they they had any interest in it. I expect Fox will be hearing from angry staffers within 30 seconds of the debate's close.
There were no newsworthy moments, other than the moderators asking questions about whether American mosques needed more monitoring or what the candidates would do about "illegals." In general the moderation was what you'd expect from a Fox News B-team, with questions about brown people, litmus test questions for candidates perceived as not sufficiently anti-abortion, and why Hillary Clinton was Bad.
Winners: Anyone who had the sense to bow out of this thing before it started. Did no harm: Rick Perry did not overtly Screw Up. Bobby Jindal was competent; Carly Fiorina was fine, Rick Santorum was Rick Santorum. The big losers were Lindsey Graham, whose stumbling reading of his own opening statement sounded like a frightened child reciting his big lines for the school play— 
and it only went downhill from there, to the point where by the end it looked like he was about to burst into tears and run offstage—and John Kasich George Pataki, who was the biggest recipient of passive-aggressive moderator ire for wasting Fox News time that could have been used for other candidates.
Gilmore was there. Barely. That's about all you can say about them.
all the assessing performances by pundits and Fox and their now illegitimate cuzins MSNBC bottom line my friends no matter what is said or how eloquent or appealing to your vision of presidential all of these persons are republican so just like the 47 that sent the letter Iran saying we can't be trusted in the deal because they'll quash it if let in the door that same dynamic applies across the board they will do what those who control the party want if they buck you think they gave Pres. a brick wall that effort would triple when applied to a perceive traitor to the party platform what do you think all those pledges to be obedient are about threatening careers.  

remember Norquist let the gansta strong arm out the bag in 2012 with Romney and that directive holds for any republican president do what we say not what you think primary reason Trump won't succeed he's not a team player or waterboy.  but you have to consider the desperation to win can make them make a deal with the devil.

FYI they need to lose the reference of performing it implies theater which implies acting which implies not genuine but an act.  JV also implies not quite good enough to be on the varsity first string must bruise a few ego's to realize the voters are potentially hearing it as just that not my first choice.