The truth hurts. Not learning from it hurts more
Jeb! Bush thinks he can avoid being tarred with the stain of his brother's failed presidency by shifting the blame for the chaos Dubya unleashed in Iraq.
That premature withdrawal was the fatal error, creating the void that ISIS moved in to fill. Where was the secretary of state, Secretary of State Clinton, in all of this? Like the president himself, she had opposed the surge, then joined in claiming credit for its success, then stood by as that hard-won victory by American and allied forces was thrown away.
Sorry, Jeb, but we're not buying it. Here's Team Hillary's response:
"This is a pretty bold attempt to rewrite history and reassign responsibility," said Jake Sullivan, Mrs. Clinton’s senior policy adviser and her former aide at the State Department. "They cannot be allowed to escape responsibility for the real mistake here. They might hope we’ll all forget, but the American people remember."
[snip] Mrs. Clinton’s aides noted that the Obama administration had inherited the war from President Bush and that it had followed the timetable he signed in withdrawing troops from the region.
you know this point has been brought to attention many times yet republicans in true form continue to repeat it, do they think eventually we will give up on them accepting the truth and embrace their misleading lies, Bush chose this war Bush lied to get us into this war, Bush made the deal that took all troops out if that war???
so why are they still trying to convince their base and themselves that the mass exodus from Iraq was Pres.'s doing, guess it's their nature suffering with the frog scorpion syndrome?????????