Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton spoke to reporters after a town hall meeting in New Hampshire, on Monday. She agreed that Donald Trump's disgusting comments about FOX host, Megyn Kelly 'bleeding out,' were offensive. But what Clinton found even more disturbing and 'outrageous,' were the statements coming out of the mouths of other Republican candidates.
She pointed out their blatant ongoing attacks against women, and she has previously cited the GOP's vote to defund Planned Parenthood (which also offers important services for men.) Here is what Clinton had to say about the GOP Boys of Summer Bullshit.
"They brag about slashing women's health care funding," Clinton told reporters. "They say they would force women who have been raped to carry their rapist's child, and we don't hear any of them supporting raising the minimum wage, paid leave for new parents, access to quality child care, equal pay for women or anything else that will help to give women a chance to get ahead."
And she is so right. The so-called 'pro-life' GOP candidates and lawmakers who spout about the life of a fetus, couldn't give a flip about the lives of women and children - once born.
Last week, I wrote a story quoting the Benedictine Nun, Sister Joan Chittister. The story has garnered over 425,000 Facebook likes/shares, and more than twice that in views. It struck a nerve for many in both parties.
Chittister a woman of strong Catholic faith summed up the biggest problem with the pro-life movement today by calling out the hypocrites in and outside of government who call themselves 'pro-life,' yet refuse to help the lives of children now living. You can read that Daily Kos story here: Catholic Nun Explains Pro-Life In A Way That Will Stun Many (Especially Republican Lawmakers)
A former U.S. Senator and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton is a long time advocate for women's rights, and her quote above coincides with the point Sister Joan Chittister made and the beliefs of former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, who has also expressed the abuses against women's basic rights in his editorial: Jimmy Carter: 'Losing My Religion For (Women's) Equality.' It's not just Democrats fighting for women's reproductive rights and it's not just women.
The majority of America is pro-choice, yet we have stupid, fucking, hateful Republican lawmakers and presidential candidates who would just as well see women return to back alley butchery. They refuse to acknowledge what so many pro-choice supporters know:
Anti-choice laws will not stop abortions; Anti-choice laws will only stop safe abortions.
Here are 10 large/small pro-choice organizations/Facebook pages one can visit/join/support now.
Planned Parenthood
NARAL/Pro-Choice America
NAF/National Abortion Federation
Fight Laws Against Women
Abigail Adams Brigade
One Millon Vaginas
Pro-Choice Liberals
The Guttmacher Institute is an excellent source of current reproductive rights legislation.
it is refreshing to hear someone running for president not beat down the things that have made your and my mothers, grandmothers, daughters wives , aunts, cousins, nieces, neighbors safe and healthy especially when hospitals and insurance companies were not so liberal. guess taking the country back includes coat hanger back door and alley quack care you know republican healthcare for women.